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The Battery of Shots

Recruits receive several rounds of shots during basic training [57], and then another round of further shots is given before deployment with the precise list depending on the location.  The vaccines in question are also used in civilian medicine and their potential adverse health consequences are discussed elsewhere [58,59], nonetheless all are followed to varying degrees by reports of chronic illnesses so it is most likely that compounding multiple shots is the ultimate source of the problem.  Several studies have found that receiving multiple vaccines is associated with health problems in servicemen. [60-66]  Based on the number of VAERS reports from a population in the prime of life, and anecdotal evidence from veterans, it seems likely that anthrax vaccine is particularly reactogenic, but it is not something to be viewed in isolation since it is usually one of the last to be received of a long series of shots.

The investigation by Congress in 2008 concluded:

   ‘Gulf War epidemiologic studies have not identified any individual vaccine, including the anthrax vaccine, to be a prominent risk factor for Gulf War illness. Several studies have provided indications that personnel who received a larger number of vaccines for deployment have had higher rates of persistent symptoms since the war. Few Gulf War studies have adequately analyzed data collected in relation to vaccines received for deployment, however, to determine whether individual vaccines or combinations of vaccines are independent risk factors for persistent health problems in Gulf War veterans’. [3]

Data on all vaccines administered started to be added to the DMSS database in 2003 [21], but no study of the
overall health impacts of the full series of shots received by servicemen has ever been published.


The Wider World

The number of shots given to children increased dramatically during the late 1980s and early 1990s [67], and the increase was accompanied by skyrocketing rates of chronic illnesses in children.  Due to the unique status of vaccines in the regulatory process, every vaccine administered to young children was introduced without a proper trial against an inert placebo [68], and there was zero testing of the cumulative impact of the full schedule.

The scale of the decline in health is hard to overstate.  According to the CDC, of children aged 3 to 17 during the years 2016 to 2019, 17.4% ‘had a diagnosed mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder’, which included 9.8% suffering from ADHD, 9.4% suffering from anxiety, and 4.4% with depression. [69]  In 2019 it was estimated that 7.6% of children had a food allergy, nearly half of which were life threatening, [70] and other allergies have also shown an increase. [125]  Increases have also been documented in myriad other conditions. [58]

From the 2007 National Survey of Children’s Health it was estimated that:


   ‘43% of US children (32 million) currently have at least 1 of 20 chronic health conditions assessed, increasing to 54.1% when overweight, obesity, or being at risk for developmental delays are included’. [71]


Previously, in children born in the years 1980 through 1986 only 12.8% were estimated as having any chronic health condition [72]; and the upward inflexion between the two estimates coincided precisely with the number of shots given  No subsequent estimates of the total percentage of children with a chronic illness have been published, but the trend in all data on specific diagnoses is in only one direction.

The health authorities which for more than three decades have been recommending all children receive the vaccination schedule have been left in charge of investigating the reasons for the explosion in chronic illness, and unsurprisingly have done nothing to find themselves culpable for harming an entire generation.

There have however been a number of independently funded studies into whether vaccinated children are more likely to suffer from chronic illness than the unvaccinated. [73-82]  They have had to be small due to the limited financing so conclusions must be drawn carefully, nonetheless every such study has found that vaccinated children experience a long list of chronic illnesses at many times the rate in the unvaccinated.  The studies have been conducted using different approaches to arrive at broadly similar results which improves the credibility of the conclusions.  The best examples are the Hooker studies [73,74] and Lyons Weiler studies [75,76]; Dr. Hooker has also co-authored a book which describes a long series of other studies which are less thorough or more oblique but provide further information. [82]

The reaction to the studies of the medical establishment has told its own story.  The first such study was the Mawson study published in 2017 [77], which was provisionally accepted by Frontiers in Public Health and posted on the journal’s web site, and then rejected after attracting a lot of attention.  The rejection was ostensibly on the grounds of weaknesses in the method of data gathering, but peer reviewers had accepted the study. [82]  It was eventually published in the Journal of Translational Science.  The first Hooker study [72] spent eleven months undergoing peer review before finally being published. [82]  The first incarnation of the Lyons Weiler study [74] was retracted by the publishing journal ostensibly on the grounds of ‘methodological issues’ and ‘that the conclusions were not supported by strong scientific data.’ [75]  Again, peer reviewers had accepted the paper, and the same criticisms could be made of many published studies.  Scientific discourse is all about which conclusions can be drawn from data, often by compounding data published separately, and science cannot be conducted in a climate of censorship.  The authors made some small corrections to the paper [76], then addressed the reason for the retraction in a new paper which remains published. [77]

The Lyons Weiler study was based on children at the practice of co-author Dr. Paul Thomas who offered families options on which vaccines to give children rather than demanding full adherence to the CDC schedule.  He had written a book: ‘The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul’s Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health—From Pregnancy through Your Child’s Teen Years’.  His practice therefore provided comparable groups of children who were vaccinated differently.  Shortly after the study was published his license was suspended by the Oregon Medical Board, and unable to fund a legal challenge he was forced to retire.[82]

There is zero evidence to counter the conclusions of the studies.

Things have reached a point in the modern world where anybody who can remember the year 1980 can see that one of the greatest tragedies in human history is unfolding, while the health authorities are doing nothing to find out why.  Nobody can be held culpable for a mystery that cannot be explained.


Vaccines and Autism

This is another subject discussed widely elsewhere [58,59], but any discussion of vaccine harm is incomplete without a mention of it.

In the 1960s and 1970s all estimates of the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders were in the vicinity of one in every few thousand children [83].  The latest estimate from the ADDM tracking is that 1 in 36 American children born in 2012 are on the spectrum, while in California, which has the best tracking, 4.5% of that year group are on the spectrum. [84,85]  In Northern Ireland, where every child with a special educational need is tallied, 7.3% of boys are on the spectrum along with 2.7% of girls, while still more children are on a waiting list for evaluation. [86]

To give an idea of the severity of autism, one study has estimated that 26.3% of children on the spectrum used 'fewer than five spontaneous and functional words' and 36.4% 'not using two word phrases' as indicated by direct assessment; while parental reports indicated ‘that as many as 29.4% of children were not naming at least three objects consistently, and 43.3% not using phrases with a noun and verb.’[87]  According to figures from the Office of National Statistics in the UK, 78% of autistic adults are unemployed.[88]  It is possible that some cases on the most highly functioning end of the spectrum would not have been diagnosed a generation ago, but a quick observation of men in their fifties does not find 7.3% who are autistic.

Many parents of children on the spectrum state that after watching their children’s development they consider vaccines to have been a cause.[89,90]  All of the studies of the health of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children have found that the vaccinated are several times more likely to be on the spectrum than the unvaccinated. [73-82]

The health authorities have limited studies to straw man arguments such as the impact MMR alone on the rate of autism, or of the ethyl mercury used as a preservative in some vaccines on the rate of autism, or on the level of antigen exposure in vaccines on the rate of autism.  The CDC states on its web site: ‘Vaccines do not cause autism' [91], and backs the claim by citing a single document by the National Academy of Scientists which reviews evidence of possible adverse effects of eight vaccines. [92]  Autism is only discussed in relation to two of the vaccines, MMR, for which five studies are reviewed, and DPT, for which the conclusion is drawn: ‘The epidemiologic evidence is insufficient or absent to assess an association between diphtheria toxoid–, tetanus toxoid–, or acellular pertussis–containing vaccine and autism.’

No mention is made at all by the CDC of the studies of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children.

A number of articles have been published in scientific journals over the years on the subject which have gained media attention, three examples are:

1.    Does Vaccination Increase the Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder? [93]  The study collates studies only of MMR, ethyl mercury, and one study on prenatal DPT.

2.    Vaccine Safety: Myths and Misinformation. [94]  The question is asked: Are Too Many Vaccines on the Schedule?  The answer is offered:

   While the number of vaccines has increased significantly over time, the numbers of immunologic components in vaccines have declined. Whereas the smallpox vaccine contained about 200 proteins, the 14 recommended vaccines on the United States schedule, combined contain about 160 immunologic components (i.e., viral proteins, bacterial proteins, and bacterial polysaccharides) (Offit et al., 2002)


   Epidemiologic and immunologic data refute the concept that vaccines dampen the immune response.

Clearly, any unintended consequence of a vaccine, such as those caused by a contaminant, would negate those arguments entirely.

3.    The myth of vaccination and autism spectrum. [95]  The paper cites just one study with direct regard to autism:

   ‘The metaanalysis of Taylor et al. proved evidence for non-correlation of vaccination and autism for a compelling number of more than 1,256,407 children’

   The Taylor study in turn only looked at MMR and ethyl mercury. [96]

It stretches credulity to breaking point that the authors believe their own conclusions based on such incomplete arguments.

A lot of resources have also been plowed into rese
arch into genetic links to autism which can never explain the increase in prevalence


The Most Notorious Vaccine of All


Vaccines against Covid-19 have caused adverse events to be reported to VAERS at a rate that is off the scale of anything previously.

Law suits had to be filed in order to force the FDA to release the trial results of both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and also of the V-SAFE tracking of adverse events which was a unique tracking system created specifically for covid vaccines. [59]  An analysis of the Pfizer and Moderna trial results conducted once they were finally released, after hundreds of millions of doses had already been administered, showed serious adverse events to be notably higher in the vaccinated group than the placebo group, even during the short window for which they were observed during the trial. [97]  That information should have formed part of informed consent to the vaccine but was purposefully withheld by the FDA.  The rate of adverse events may in fact have been higher still according to a whistle blower at Ventavia, which conducted the clinical trials for Moderna and Pfizer, who claimed that there were a host of irregularities in the trials including adverse events not being properly recorded. [98]

Excess deaths have been running extremely high in every country across the western world throughout 2021, 2022 and 2023, with no explanation yet found due to no meaningful investigation having been conducted. [99]  There have however been enough studies around the world [100] into such conditions as anaphylaxis and myocarditis to present strong evidence that the vaccine is considerably more harmful than the virus itself to the young and healthy, and some countries have backed away from recommending the vaccine for children, yet US health authorities have continued to recommend it to the entire population aged above six months.  The very fact that it was ever recommended that children, for whom the virus is not at all unusually dangerous, receive a vaccine based on technology that had never been used before, and had received minimal testing, ought to open even the most naive of eyes to the nature of modern medicine.

Pfizer had a revenue of $36.5 billion from the vaccine during the first year alone. [58]

The vaccine was mandated for the military under an Emergency Use Authorisation despite the legal precedent set by anthrax vaccine.  Legal challenges to the order have had mixed results.  A pressure group has called for the senior officer
s responsible for the mandate to be subjected to court martial. [101]


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